Tuesday 8 October 2013

Breko Cafe @ Holland Village Singapore

Hungry at night but you wanna have western food? LOL. Had such a random craving last Saturday. What happened was that I went to Sentosa Adventure Cove (It's a great place by the way) in the late morning and had a late lunch on Sentosa Island. After that my family went home and I knocked out till late.

By the time I'm hungry for dinner it's already past 10pm. HAHA! And I had a craving for meeeeeat!!! OMG. I mean, I usually settle for anything available if I am hungry at night but this time there was this strange desire for some meat (preferably a lot).

Anyway, so I head out for some dinner with my bf and decided to go for Holland Village since it is a well known hang out place for weekend nights. And then we decided to settle for Breko Cafe since it looked like a decent place for some western food.

Holland Village is pretty crowded on Saturday night:

Steak with 2 sides: (Cannot remember exact price but it is below $20, excluding tax)

Double fish burger with fries & salad (I remember it's $14.90)

I think the food was decent although not fantastic. My fish burger was a bit dry but the fries was good. The steak was more cooked on one end vs the other. However all in all still acceptable. The serving speed was fast too. And the price was really reasonable. Overall I would rate it 7/10. A possible option for random peeps with random craving for western food past 11pm. They serve desserts too! 

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