Friday 4 October 2013

Personal Review: Noproblem Ion Balance products

First and foremost, I'm not being paid for this review. It's my personal review - not performed under any scientific settings. Why do I want to write a review on this product? Because I myself couldn’t find sufficient personal detailed reviews of the product online despite several searches. Not sure what's the reason, but I can't seem to find many private reviews of Noproblem Ion Balance products before I actually buy it. I wonder if such reviews are being restricted or my searches are poor? Most of the stuff I found are commercial or general, not personal. Anyway, this review goes out to those who are like me – those looking for a private review on the product.

Okay, these supposedly health beneficial bracelets/necklaces have been in the market for quite a few years now and shouldn’t be new to most people. The concept of such health balancing bracelets or necklaces etc, is largely debated and remains not conclusive. There are actually many brands in the market, based either on the concept of the health benefits of germanium, tourmaline or some other stuffs like magnets or "holograms" that synchronize with ur body's energy field (Something like that). Some popular brands are like Noproblem Ion Balance (NPB), PowerBalance, iRenew, etc.  

Even though it's not proven to be effective, they were wildly popular for a period of time (all the sportsmen were donning one at one time) and some users claimed that these products helped them in many ways such as sleeping better, better moods, better sports performance, better flexibility, better alertness and a whole long list of miracles. Some experts believed that it's just a psychological trickery that your brain reacts the way u want the results to be. I read that if you believe strong enough that something exists, then ur brain will actually create bodily reactions that resonates with what u believe in. Our brain is a damn powerful equipment lah.  It's something weird like for example, if passengers on a plan think that there is a virus on the plane (hence causing some panic), some of them may actually start developing immediate symptoms of being infected even if there is no virus at all. So the theory is that if u tell someone that he will immediately feel better strength upon putting on a balance bracelet, he will actually respond to be so when being tested. However, the results may be the same even if u pass him a fake bracelet. So it's largely dependent on how much your brain bought the idea.

Anyway, the scientific proof and whatever debate aside, I think there is no conclusion. Why? I still see the stuff being sold at rocket prices. In fact, there are stores in Singapore or counters specialising in the sale of these products. It makes me wonder – if they are truly not effective, why is there still such market demands warranting the survival of such brands and stores? Is it really a case of blind demands? In addition, I also feel that researchers are constantly confused themselves. How many times have you encountered this – something was “scientifically proven” to be beneficial for health and became the hype, and then many years later another research surfaced to prove it wrong? For a period of time, collagen related cosmetics was the hip thing appearing everywhere and then it was later said that there is no way for the body to absorb collegen from surface applications and it should be ingested. Subsequently I read yet another article that only collagen derived from certain livestock can actually be absorbed well through ingestion… So what have people been wasting their money on all along? And is collagen products still popular? – YES. Well, if the brain is powerful enough to creates reality of what you believe in, what is the harm of believing in a good thing like perhaps a Noproblem Ion Balance product will bring you better health? Obviously you are not supposed to substitute it with exercise or your prescribed medications (if any). It is just a supplementary product.

I have colleagues and friends who told me that the ion balancing products made them feel better, such as through the relieve of neck pain or shoulder pain. Due to word of mouth, I had contemplated getting one for myself for a while but I never got to it as I felt that the price is quite expensive. I recently came across a sale event on (Previously Gmarket) and grabbed the chance to buy 2 Noproblem Ion Balance necklaces at a steal. The site stated that each product will come with a verification code to verify the authenticity of the product on NPB’s website. (Hey, if I am going to spend money on some silicone, I may as well make sure it is THE silicone. You get what I mean?). Anyway, Qoo10’s users who bought em seemed to like the products even though it is again a wrestle between 2 school of thoughts on the effectiveness. The main consensus was that the necklaces are of good quality and the packaging was good and the products were verified authentic online. Sounds good enough for me. So here are what I got:

Overview of my black P055A & white P055B Noproblem Ion Balance necklaces:

The packaging is quite decent and came sealed. There was some verification codes for one to check for the authenticity online as per stated on Qoo10. Apparently, the same code can be used to check for authenticity only 3 times before the system will block you (the verification webpage stated so) I think it's an added security measure to prevent fakes. Not that this method is foolproof of course. Anyway, I checked for one of my products and it was verified authentic. Haha! Didn't bother with the second.

I think the stainless steel's parts are sturdy and well built. Unlike some cheapo stuff. Guys might actually buy such accessories even if there is no health benefits.

Picture on the steel parts:
An impressive part was the clapse to lock the necklace in place. It requires a push and twist action which means the necklace is unlikely to fall off on its own during some sports. The engraving on the pack of the pendent is centralized and well printed (Another indication of authenticit).

The manual
There is no need for much instructions really. Except that first time usage will cause certain symptoms such as nausea,  dizziness etc. Some may report more vivid dreams. An interesting thing here - I did feel nauseated when I first wore the necklace - before I read any instructions. It could be I was dehydrated that day, or it could mean the necklace did caused some bodily reactions. Anyway, I'd been wearing the necklace for about 2 weeks now, I didn't do any really physical activities so I'm unable to review the part on better flexibility and strength etc. I am however able to feedback that I do seem to have better sleep - as in I wake up feeling less lethargic. In addition, I seemed to have better skin lately. Whether it is my brain causing the effect or perhaps the magic of my noproblem ion balance I'm unable to prove. But I say - hey, no harm trying. Tell me if it works for you.

1 comment:

  1. hello so does it really work? does it help with emf from computers and cell phones?
