Sunday 4 August 2013

Late night escape for Johor Bahru's Restoran 59 abalone noodles! (review)

Okay! This is not the first time I went into JB at night, or past midnight to be precise. So here's sharing why: 

1) Cheap & delicious supper/dinner 
2) Cheap petrol
3) Cheap but quality car wash
4) Less jam if you go in at unearthly hours  loh! Lol.

Other than the cheap seafood centre which most Singaporeans know and like, you might be interested in this awesome abalone noodle place near the seafood centre as well. The restaurant's name is simply "Restoran 59 Abalone Noodles", and it's a few blocks from the seafood centre at Jalan Kelewang. Here's a map from google to help:

If you have never been to the famous seafood hawker centre, please use GPS. It's not fun to lost in JB in the middle of the night. And please go with a couple of friends with at least a few males as JB is quite infamous in safety level. That being said, I'm still very much alive and kicking. And I only go with 1 guy. 

This is the restaurant's stall front to help you identify:

It's located along this road with a few other restaurants. The whole road is sort of "blocked off" at night as the restaurants extend their turf to the road outside, with men standing guard along the road entry to direct the traffic from 2 lanes to 1 lane. Oh yeah, the restaurant block is facing this taller building that's supposed to be some Chinese association building but there are a few banks' logos on the building that's quite visible from a distance. I remember seeing a big "Hong Leong" brand sign (if that's of any help to you). 

Anyway, here's what you should be there for: 

Abalone Noodles!!!
The picture shows an order in SMALL size. You can upsize to medium $8 or large $10. I have not tried those sizes so I cannot tell you the difference. Anyway, my small size abalone noodles actually comes with a good sizing of noodles. In this case, mee pok (flat yellow noodles). You can also order the yew mee (Skinny noodles). The soup is super delicious and it contains a huge prawn, veg, fish cake, meat slices (I think is pork leh. So it's not halal.) and of course thin abalone slices. Okay, don't have high hope for huge chunks of abalone lah. This is $5 ringgits!!! I'm not kidding you. It's good! And that's only abt $2 SGD!!! I think you can top up for more abalone slices but I think the abalone is really not the key factor for the noodle lah. I also ordered a lime plum drink from the stall but that tasted so so.

And while you are there, you may as well pig out the popular Malaysian's street food "Lok Lok". They are sold by mobile vendors with van-converted mobile restaurant. Here's my order for $14.20 ringgits.

Lok Lok!!!
The selection consists 6 sticks of deep fried food (Yah la, damn unhealthy!) comprising luncheon meat, bean curd skin, fish cake, long beans, chicken chunks and bacon with mushroom. Really tasty! You can dip these in your preferred sauces. Ermmm, there is no glam way to go about this, you are given a styrofoam box half to take your sauces: 
Our choices is a crazy mix of satay sauce, sweet sauce, a green chili sauce and a red chili sauce. Lol! Crazy, I know.

Well, above being said, I have to caution you that the cleanliness standard isn't in top condition. I saw a big rat running about. Hahaha! The stray cats are not doing their job. But okay lah, I'm still alive. A lot ofSingaporeans eat there everyday. If you are scared, better don't go loh. Anyway, I saw a rat at a Singapore's top restaurant before too. It was running amok across the restaurant floor. Hahaha! 

After your dinner/supper, remember to bring your car to a $8 car wash. There are quite a few stalls doing late night car wash, probably catered to crazy Singaporeans. There was a queue even at 2am. Crazy right?!? There is one car wash stall near Restoran 59 too.

Total experience rating: 9/10. (Discount 1 for the rat!) Haha! It's good ol hawker fare, cheap and good. Great escape. Will do it again. 

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