Sunday 11 August 2013

Comfort food!!!!!

What's your comfort food when you are down and out? Chocolate? Fried chicken wings? A thick slab of delicious steak? I'm sure you have something to crave when you are down! Today I'm gonna blog on some of my favorite but low cost comfort food! Some are even considered healthy! 

My no. 1 nemesis in sinful binging is Ruffles potato chips! Not just any Ruffles! It must be sour cream & onion flavour! I cannot resist them, and I crave them esp when I'm having PMS or am sad for whatever reason. But I do sometimes crave them when I'm happy too. I recall there were times I clawed out the comfort of my bed to comb my neighborhood for the flavour that I want. That's less than $5 for total comfort. Nevermind the waist line. Sometimes you just have to let go and give yourself what your soul wants! Wakakaka!

My second comfort food is something I only started eating in recent years. I mentioned - I love yogurt! I love it as a dessert and I love it as a treat after a day of hard work. I had at times, walk quite a long distance to eat yogurt on my own. And the best thing is that it's supposedly healthier than ice cream for a snack?

My third comfort food is something less commonly termed a comfort food. Oh what the heck, I can't even decide between 2 items - orange juice and grapes. But I know why they are my comfort food. When I was a kid, my nanny would buy me these when I'm sick. So overtime they became the symbols of comfort. 

Today I had a large Sogurt yogurt (blogged before how good it is) in lychee flavour. And I bought Ruffles and grapes home on standby.

Haha! I hope you have something healthy in mind as one of your comfort food! Otherwise, you are lucky if you are skinny! Bless you. And stay happy.

A wacky picture before I sign off: 

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