Tuesday 16 July 2013

Back-dated review: Hatched cafe @ Evans Lodge outlet

This is a back-dated review on Hatched Cafe I visited on Sunday! Well, many people who like western style breakfast, especially yuppies, might have heard of this cafe named Hatched. They have a branch at Holland Village and a newly reopened branch at Evans Lodge. http://www.hatched.sg/

As their name suggests, you can expect a lot of eggs in their menu. In fact, I'm super amazed by the number of types of eggs and toasts there can be out there! I spied on other tables' orders and I'm pleasantly surprised that everyone seem to have a different order. And the dishes all look really "pretty". Here are ours: 

My scrambled egg with salmon is $16 before tax and service charge. It tastes mild (no strong flavor, mainly egg taste and gotta add chili sauce), and halfway through I have this egg overdosed feeling. The serving is huge!!! It feels like 4-5 eggs seriously. Omg. 

Le bf ordered omelette with onions and beef at $15. It tasted better than mine due to the onions. ;-( But again, egg overdose for a single person.

The cafe ambience ( I went to Evans Lodge branch) is quite nice. The branch is located on the first floor of an old school style hostel building. We reached at abt 930-10am when the tables are still fairly empty. Somehow the cafe became full house within an hour.

Anyway we also ordered a normal coffee and a mocha, which tasted average and not worth mentioning. 

Overall I think I will rate it 7/10 at most. The two dishes and the two coffee work out to abt $48 which I think is too expensive for eggs and toasts, don't you think? It's good for occasional indulgence. 

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