Friday 19 July 2013

Xin Wang (新旺) HongKong Cafe Review - Sambal seafood fried rice

I think most Singaporeans know about Xin Wang Cafe, probably one of the pioneers in bringing into Singapore the "HK cafe" craze quite a few years ago, that has since fizzled a bit. They have quite a few branches around Singapore and they open till late like 2am with free wifi. Perfect for night owls like me.

HK cafes in Hong Kong are actually a bit different from those in Singapore. In HK, they focus on serving a wide variety of local cum western fusion food, fast food speed. A.K.A ordering food over the counter and being served instantly, or having a fast ordering system where food is served quickly. Singapore's HK cafes seem to cater to the local preference of being served by a waiter. However, we too have a very wide selection of local/fusion food on the menu.

Anyway, enuf of the comparison. Today's focus is on a new dish I tried. New as in my first time trying, not that it's new on the menu. This is my sambal seafood fried rice ($9.90 excl tax) at the Plaza Singapura outlet.

My verdict: 4/10 (Am I too mean in my critic? Too bad.) It's too dry and not spicy enough, although still edible. The serving is quite large so I didn't finish mine. For around half the price, I think I can maybe get the same thing at the food court next door? The redeeming factor was being served by an extremely friendly auntie waitress. (She's the most memorable waitress among all the outlets I'd tried.)

Extras: The consistency of food served at different outlets seem to varies quite a lot these days. And the service standard varies too. The prices have been increasing quite a bit in the last few years as well. And they just removed the membership system without informing me as a member. Wtf. I think the management should sit up and do their job before losing more business.

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