Wednesday 31 July 2013

Staying positive and happy! Do it!

Sometimes life gets us down. But we must always fight back! I have a habit of collecting good quotes or nice pictures on positivity to spur myself on. And I wanna share some.

Here's one for being thankful. Often one might feel life is unfair. It's like some ppl seem to be having such a good life effortlessly. They may be born with a silver spoon, blessed with unbelievably good looks or the god of mother *ucker luck seem to shine on them forever. Well, life is just like that - never fair. The good thing is you can try to change things around or make the best of what you have. I say: Comparison is probably the mother of all misery. Contentment is the simplest way to happiness. When we compare and compete with others, we are constantly under stress to win. So what for? Why not be self contented? Of course it is easier said than done lah. But if you constantly remind yourself that there is no point in comparing as there will always be someone ahead of you in some areas, then perhaps you will be a much happier person. 

In the same pic, it says, "Don't let anyone steal your joy". I think this is very important, especially if you place too much emphasis on what others say about you and it gets into ur brain. I think there will always be haters around, some people who dislike others in doing well (or simply do better than them lah) etc. You can't stop these people from EXISTING. So I say the best bet is to ignore them. And if they irritate you too much with their snide remarks or "under table actions", you can always choose to retaliate indirectly by doing even better and then GLOAT blatantly at how happy you are. Lol! 

So remember to stay happy. Surround yourself with stuff that makes you happy or do stuff that make you happy. How about this cute DIY frog I sewn? I think froggy stuff always look so happy. I dunno why. Lol.

Or surround yourself with friends and loved ones who don't judge you and love you the way you are!

Or at the very least, stay away from negative people. There is no need for more negativity in your life lah.

Stay happy and positive. If you have tips on how you do this, do share with me. ;-)

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